Global Voices: A short story describing a South African teacher’s unique experience



In this issue we have included teachers who write for us, review materials for us, are regular readers and potential contributors. Will your story be next?


While the bulk of my duties still involve the running of my school called Inspired Kids, and my training organisation, called Inspired CPD, I have ventured into more outreach projects over the last few months. Locally, we are working with an orphanage where we deliver English and chess classes, we do fundraising events for orphanages in our area, as well as a recent one for the Hands Up project, and a meal voucher scheme for less fortunate families. We also did a teaching project with Rotary International through an outreach event for students in remote areas in the South of Taiwan. Obviously, some of these efforts are more successful than others, but, overall, I feel it is important to give back to the community, as it is very closely tied with both our organisation’s mission and vision statements.

I am hoping to expand what we are doing from an outreach point of view, and we are currently in negotiations with two organisations to provide teacher training and support to children in the Middle East, especially refugees and displaced children. I will hopefully be blogging about this in the coming year, and I will be talking about this at the YLTSIG Web Conference in January.

Other than teaching and training, and of course writing, I still do a little bit of magic and play chess with my kids. My oldest is very close to beating me consistently and he has recently won his first chess competition. My middle and youngest children love music and dancing and were recently in a show where they showcased their talents. I am quite proud of them, because they seem to be very good at all the things I was good at as a teenager, except, they’re probably better than me.

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