Global Voices: A short story describing Anna’s unique experience



In this issue we have included teachers who write for us, review materials for us, are regular readers and potential contributors. Will your story be next?

Anna, Dubai

What I do? Well, it seems such a simple question but the answer is challenging as I’m involved in many things. In a nutshell, I’m a freelance teacher educator. In this role I take on many different jobs and, to be honest, that freedom to be involved in a wide variety of projects is what I absolutely love about my job! I’ve been in the ELT industry for 23 years as a teacher, director of studies, education consultant, teacher educator and CAE assessor.

I’m currently in Dubai, but working on different projects brings me all over the region, and beyond. One day I might be assessing a course for Cambridge, the next delivering training for primary school teachers on teaching with social emotional competences or I might be at home writing blog posts on exam skills.

The majority of my time is spent on teacher training, such as CELTA, and writing and delivering teacher development modules, such as DELTA, and other bespoke course deliveries for ministries and other organisations. Besides writing regularly and being a resident blogger for MET, I really value my own development and started a doctorate, focusing on educational psychology and professional learning. I’m super passionate about anything related to making better learning happen, not only for students but also for teachers and teacher educators! Another big project on the go is a book for ELT teachers on social emotional learning, as I’m not busy enough clearly, so keep your eye out for it in 2024.

After all these years, I still love ELT. I’m very much aware that I’m privileged to be able to do what I love and am extremely grateful for all the opportunities I have had so far. Being in ELT is not a job, it has become my lifestyle which immerses me in a rich world of different cultures and perspectives. Everyday I learn something new from those I meet and work with and I’m proud that many of us in ELT strive to promote a culture of acceptance and sharing. What inspires me the most is empowering fellow educators to further grow and achieve their dreams. In other words, I strive to make a difference, however small that might be.

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