Information Security Statement
The objective of this statement is to provide executive direction for the protection of information owned by OLM Systems Limited, and its customers, employees, partners or suppliers, in whatever form it may be held or communicated, whether verbal, on paper or electronic. Information is one of our most valuable assets. Of equal value is the trust of our partners, employees and customers that we will protect the information that they have shared with us.
OLM proprietary and customer, partner, employee or supplier information, when created, stored, transmitted or communicated, must be protected from unauthorised access, use, modification or destruction. Consequently, all access to, and use of this information and data, requires adherence to the following policy principles:
OLM will comply with all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements regarding the management and security of information within its jurisdiction.
OLM Systems Ltd have achieved certification to the Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) Standard – ISO 27001:2013; the practices of the company will meet this standard and will follow a programme of continuous improvement.
Security policies will be developed to support the ISMS objectives, together with detailed procedures.
The Group Information Security Officer has responsibility for development and maintenance of the Security Policies, which will be reviewed annually by the Business Management Group and the Directors of OLM.
All managers are responsible for implementing the Security Policies within their areas, and for adherence thereof by their staff.
It is the responsibility of each member of staff to adhere to OLM Security Policies. This statement has been approved by the Directors of OLM.
Peter O’Hara (Chief Executive)
22nd August 2018
OLM Systems Limited Information Security Statement