Issue 104: encouraging active participation



If you don’t want your students to lurk silently at theback of the class like those pictured by Jon Marks inthe Langwich Scool cartoon below, then youneed to find ways to get them engaged and involved.

In our main feature, Beth Davies suggests that a degree offlexibility in lesson planning, which allows for exploitationof unforeseen events and unexpected studentcontributions, will help towards demonstrating to thestudents that their input is valued and respected, therebyencouraging them to join in more eagerly.

Getting his students to play an active role in dramalessons, to the extent of putting on a complete theatre production, is Michael McCarrell’s goal, whilst Scott Grossfinds no difficulty in persuading his Vietnamese students totake part enthusiastically in jazz chants – this mediumbeing one that complements their own cultural andeducational ethos.

When it comes to teaching children, Handoyo Widodo andArnis Silvia believe that students are never too young toparticipate in writing activities – as long as proper verbal and visual scaffolding is provided by the teacher. LauraBesley also has some ideas for getting children to write, encouraging their engagement in the activity by making itas much fun as possible. The motivation displayed byKatie Alaniz’s students, one of whom expresses a wishthat they could ‘do this every day’, goes to show howdigital storytelling can capture young imaginations andensure full participation in class.

Nicky Hockly looks at how technology can enable even those students with physical or learning difficulties to takea full part in language lessons. And Russell Stannardrecommends using online forums to get students engagedin discussions both inside and outside the classroom.

Active participation in learning is the key to success, soI hope you will find inspiration in this issue and ideas thatyou can use to make your students enthusiastic learners.


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