Watching our free Pavilion ELT vlogs offers a dynamic and engaging way to focus on your professional development. Our vloggers share practical tips based on their own teaching experiences, that you can go away and try.
How to pick the best vocab for your class in ten easy steps
There are over 600,000 word families in English, but students don’t need to learn all of them. Here, Damien Herlihy dives into ETpedia Vocabulary to explore how you can select vocabulary to teach in the classroom.
5 tips to create materials for your English lessons
Finding, selecting, and adapting materials to supplement coursebooks and design more engaging lessons can be a really time-consuming task, and the results may not be as good as we expect. Here, Rubens Heredia shares 5 tips to create more effective materials for your English lessons.
Ten ways to improve your teaching observation
A bad observation can damage the teacher and the observer. So how can they be improved? Damien Herlihy dives into ETpedia Teaching Training to suggest 10 things you can do before and during the observation to prevent disaster.
5 ways to engage teenagers in your English lessons
Teenagers can sometimes be a tough crowd and may not respond as well as we want to the activities we propose. However, they go all the way when they really engage with lessons. Here, Rubens Heredia shares five suggestions on how to grab and maintain teens’ attention in English lessons.
Ten ways to find out your students’ REAL pronunciation problems
What are our students’ real pronunciation needs? Here, Damien Herlihy looks at 10 ideas from ETpedia Pronunciation that can help you find out. He explains how he has used these tips and activities in his own teaching practice, and suggests how you can do the same.